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Find out what works and figure out how to do more of it…

That is the basic premise of Appreciative Inquiry, an organizational development approach used around the world by businesses and non-profits, community developers and emerging nations, churches and the military. In Looking for the Good Stuff, experienced O.D. consultants, Bob New and Kathleen Rich-New, apply this powerful tool to your personal life. In a series of engaging anecdotes and memorable quotes, they demonstrate how the principles and assumptions of Appreciative Inquiry can change your life.

If you dream of getting out of job jail—or if a layoff has left you thinking about finally pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams—this easy-to-read guide shows you how to create a Plan B business that fits your skills, interests, and preferred work lifestyle.

You will learn the four ways to create an income when there aren’t any jobs available—or any jobs that interest you. Filled with stories of successes and failures, this practical book covers the good, the bad, and the ugly about each of the business models, so you can make smart decisions, avoid mistakes and pitfalls, and find a better alternative for a fulfilling life when Plan A just isn’t working for you anymore.

Special Report on Appreciative Inquiry Results

Asking the right questions is critical to solving problems. As business leaders, you spend your day solving problems by asking questions. But, you may be seeking the answers to the wrong question because you have been trained in traditional problem solving methods.

Traditional problem solving teaches us to find the cause of the problem and make a diagnosis. We produce page after page of what is wrong, often finding fault and placing blame along the way. Focusing on what is wrong with the organization does not lead to increased cooperation or innovation.

Focusing on what works is the core of Appreciative Inquiry (Ai), we call it “Looking for the Good Stuff”.

Rebuilding at Ground Zero

In July 2002, just 10 months after the attack on the World trade Center, five thousand residents of lower Manhattan met at the Jacob Javits Center to express their opinions on the re-building and a suitable memorial to be placed at the site. Kathleen was one of the facilitators selected by the organizers, “Listening to the City”. They were looking specifically for facilitators with skills in Appreciative Inquiry.

Traditional Problem Solving versus Appreciative Inquiry

Give any MBA or business school graduate a case study and they will come back to you with a 20 page analysis of what is WRONG with the organization. That is the classical or traditional problem-solving approach. What if there is a better way? Read all about it in: “Traditional Problem Solving versus Appreciative Inquiry”.